ASA Award-winning Collaborative Achievement

San Francisco witnessed the recognition of an extraordinary achievement on August 16, 2014. The scholarly piece, “Looking Like a State: Techniques of Persistent Failure in State Capability for Implementation,” scooped the esteemed Faculty Article Award. This was during an event organized by the Sociology of Development Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Esteemed authors Matt Andrews, Lant Pritchett, and Michael Woolcock were honored for their exceptional work.

Groundbreaking Techniques: State Capability and PDIA

This acclaimed paper marked the inception of the transformative Building State Capability (BSC) program. The paper meticulously explores the concept of state capability and the associated challenges encountered during execution. Notably, it also birthed the Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) approach, setting the stage for a revolutionary approach to building state capability.

Additional Information: PDIA and Vimeo Channel

For a more detailed exploration of the concepts discussed in this monumentally influential paper, the authors recommend “Escaping Capability Traps through Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA).” This reading provides a comprehensive understanding of PDIA. Moreover, their Vimeo Channel offers visual learners a valuable resource to further grasp these groundbreaking theories and strategies.

BSC San Francisco Program

Serving as the practical embodiment of the award-winning paper, the BSC San Francisco Program offers a comprehensive range of services that empower individuals to improve their physical health and well-being. The program is grounded in the principles of state capability and PDIA, uniquely equipping participants with the tools to navigate and overcome their personal fitness challenges.

Tips on Maximizing Your BSC San Francisco Experience

BSC San Francisco is dedicated to fostering a supportive fitness environment. To make the most of the program, participants are encouraged to:

  • Understand the overarching goal of the BSC program;
  • Be proactive in applying PDIA techniques to your fitness journey;
  • Regularly follow the BSC Vimeo Channel for additional insights and updates;
  • Stay committed and consistent to realize their wellness objectives.


BSC San Francisco symbolizes more than just a fitness program. It represents a philosophy of personal growth and empowerment, backed by award-winning intellectual work. Its unique blend of state capability and PDIA techniques offers a revolutionary path to physical wellness, illustrating the transformative power of a well-structured, scientifically-backed wellness program. This journey offers a wealth of knowledge and practical tools to individuals striving to live healthier, more fulfilling lives.