The world of development is one that is guided by several fundamental principles, five of which are crucial in driving change. These five M’s include Moments, Muddling, Mundane, Men and Women, and last but not least, Mobilizers. These factors play a significant role in shaping and guiding development initiatives, and this article will delve into the importance of mobilizers in this process.

The Impact of Mobilizers in the Change Process

  • Mobilizers are catalysts of change, facilitating synergy among multiple men and women, inspiring them to transcend the ordinary, to wade through complexities with a purpose, and to seize or create turning points that spur change;
  • Mobilizers play different roles, such as bringing together key actors to play specific roles, or connecting distributed agents who may not interact directly, or engaging individuals across networks. 

Their crucial role in assembling diverse functional roles underscores their significance in effective leadership.

The Role of Conveners in Implementing Change

A case study from the judicial sector highlights the power of conveners – a type of mobilizer that brings stakeholders together. This story involves a donor-supported initiative introducing a statistical management system to aid resource allocation decisions for a national judicial sector. Despite years of effort and millions of dollars, the lack of engagement and no direct connections among different groups within the sector thwarted the system’s establishment.

The introduction of a local person acting as a convener, however, changed the game. This individual brought together representatives from diverse agencies, fostering first-degree relationships and a shared understanding of the problems and potential solutions. This proactive approach opened up access to new ideas and contributions, thereby kick-starting the process of change.

The Importance of Connectors in Reform

Besides conveners, connectors also play a crucial role in the process of mobilization. Acting as a bridge between distributed agents in different areas, a connector ensures that everyone within the system gets a first or second-degree link to others. This linkage fortifies the network, smoothes the path to reform agreement, and enhances access to requisite talents and ideas.

A business meeting in progress with attendees focused on a presenter

Building Stronger Networks for Success

In the ongoing reform process, the newly fortified connections, made possible by the mobilizer’s role, have proved indispensable. Successfully establishing these connections aids in overcoming obstacles, driving development, and laying the groundwork for future reforms.

Breaking Down Barriers Through Mobilization

Mobilizers’ role in changing the process is undeniably extensive. They are the key to breaking down barriers in organizations and creating a harmonious network that facilitates sharing of ideas and resources. Without them, creating meaningful change can become an uphill task.

The role of Mobilizers in the change process is indispensable. By connecting various agents, revealing new opportunities, and fostering relationships that lay the foundation for concerted action, they help ensure that the path to progress continues. Enlisting the services of a mobilizer could be the game-changer your organization needs to drive growth and development.


Leveraging the influence of the 5 M’s in development – Moments, Muddling, the Mundane, Men and Women, and Mobilizers – can significantly improve the efficacy of change processes. Mobilizers, acting as facilitators and connectors, play a crucial role in bringing together various stakeholders within a system, motivating them to move beyond routine tasks, navigate complexities with clarity, and seize transformative opportunities. By nurturing a network of connections, they encourage increased cooperation and a shared comprehension of systemic challenges and potential solutions, thus paving the way for innovative reform and development. Therefore, the strategic involvement of mobilizers in any change initiative is not merely advantageous, but rather essential for driving meaningful and sustainable progress.