In the realm of governance and development, the question of whether appearances hold equal weight to actions often arises. It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that governments are meant to achieve tangible outcomes rather than simply maintaining an image. 

This tendency to prioritize the means over the ends can skew governance indicators and reform efforts, hindering the clarity of objectives and their relevance.

BSC Means: Are Appearances Enough?

The concept of BSC means, or Balanced Scorecard means, delves into the essence of government actions and their ultimate objectives. Instead of fixating solely on the methods employed, this approach emphasizes the outcomes governments aim to achieve. 

This shift in perspective acknowledges the diverse array of goals governments may pursue, recognizing that different contexts may warrant different strategies.

Why is the Ends-Means Approach Crucial in Governance Discussions?

Matt Andrews proposes an ends-means approach that prioritizes understanding what governments aim to accomplish rather than solely focusing on how they operate. 

This nuanced approach acknowledges the multi-dimensional nature of governance and encourages a deeper exploration of objectives and strategies. It holds particular relevance in ongoing discussions surrounding the integration of governance indicators into post-2015 development goals.

How Does Context Influence the Choice of Means in Governance?

One of the key insights offered by the ends-means approach is the recognition that different ends may matter in various contexts and at different times. This acknowledgment underscores the importance of tailoring governance strategies to specific circumstances, rather than adhering to one-size-fits-all approaches. 

By considering the unique needs and challenges of each situation, policymakers can adopt more effective and contextually relevant means to achieve their desired ends.


The concept of BSC offers a fresh perspective on governance, shifting the focus from appearances to actions. By prioritizing the understanding of government objectives and outcomes, the ends-means approach fosters more meaningful discussions and reforms. Embracing this approach can lead to more effective governance practices and a clearer path toward achieving development goals.