The PDIA Toolkit embodies an innovative paradigm within the realm of development and policy formulation, presenting a comprehensive array of strategies and instruments crafted to address intricate challenges via an iterative and learning-centric methodology. This discourse serves as an introduction to the PDIA Toolkit, spotlighting its inception, fundamental tenets, and its potential to bring about profound transformations for entities and administrations endeavoring to navigate the intricacies of contemporary issues. By prioritizing a problem-oriented, iterative, and adaptive approach, the PDIA Toolkit redirects attention from preconceived solutions toward a dynamic cycle of learning and adjustment, thereby fostering more efficacious and enduring outcomes across diverse scenarios. By delving into tangible instances and elucidating the toolkit’s methodology, readers will grasp how PDIA can be implemented to foster innovation and catalyze positive transformations within their respective professional domains.

From Theory to Practice: Unfolding the Journey of Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA)

The year 2009 marked the beginning of a transformative journey in understanding how to apply Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) in real-world scenarios. This was a period of learning and discovery, during which essential tools were developed and refined. Key concepts such as problem construction, convening driven by issues, problem deconstruction, strategic sequencing, and proactive action pushes evolved during this transformative phase.

Four years later, in 2012, the Building State Capability (BSC) program was instituted. It became the hub of action research, learning and continuous experimentation of the PDIA approach.

The salient features of the BSC program included the following:

  • Direct engagement with government officials;
  • Fostering teamwork within government entities;
  • Global reach spanning multiple continents.

It’s notable to highlight the program’s impressive reach since its inception. Direct collaboration took place with 349 government officials, across 45 teams, in 12 countries including Africa, Sri Lanka, and Albania. It’s worth mentioning that the adaptability of the PDIA tools was tried and tested in these diverse environments, tailoring to the unique challenges in each context.

On another note, the PDIA approach made an even larger impact in the world of development practitioners. Our PDIA tools were employed in the free online courses, reaching a considerable number of practitioners. A total of 970 practitioners from 83 countries (with 47% of them in Africa and 22% in Asia) have utilized these tools and found them beneficial.

To sum up, the journey of PDIA from its theoretical beginnings to practical applications has been a process of constant learning, testing, and refining. It has unveiled its potential to create significant impact across different contexts, from government offices to the wide-reaching arena of development practitioners.

The PDIAtoolkit Guide: Democratizing Knowledge and Empowering Teams

The essence of democratizing knowledge becomes evident in the development and release of the PDIAtoolkit. This powerful tool is not only a knowledge repository but also an open-access guide designed to assist in the resolution of complex problems. The PDIAtoolkit brings the concept of ‘Do-it-Yourself’ (DIY) to a whole new level by emphasizing the power of teamwork and collaboration.

The Democratization of PDIA Knowledge

True to the commitment of making PDIA knowledge accessible to everyone, especially those directly involved in implementing development policies and programs, the PDIAtoolkit was developed and made publicly available. This open access publication is unique in its nature and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

With this democratization initiative, a broader audience can benefit from the wisdom and principles of the PDIA. It serves as a strategic move to encourage more minds to engage in the process of problem-solving, without the barrier of proprietary constraints or exclusivity.

The Power of Teamwork: “Do-it-Yourself” Reimagined

The PDIAtoolkit emphasizes teamwork as it guides groups through the process of addressing complex issues. It’s a DIY approach, but in this context, ‘you’ is transformed to mean a dedicated team of 4 to 6 people. The aim is to mobilize these individuals to unite their skills and knowledge towards resolving challenges that could not be handled by a single person.

This team-oriented DIY attitude is crucial for several reasons:

  • It allows for a diversity of perspectives and insights, making problem-solving more enriching and comprehensive;
  • It encourages collaboration and mutual learning among team members, fostering a stronger sense of camaraderie and shared responsibility;
  • It acknowledges that complex problems often require multi-faceted solutions which one person might struggle to identify or implement alone.

The PDIAtoolkit embodies the democratization of knowledge, the power of teamwork, and the belief in the capacity of effective collaboration to solve complex problems. It serves as a valuable guide for those who are ready to take on the challenge of problem-solving in development policies and programs. The challenge is significant, but with the right tools, skills, and commitment, it is far from insurmountable.

Comprehensive Guide to PDIA: Harnessing Resources and Maximizing Potential

The PDIAtoolkit is an amalgamation of two robust resources, providing a holistic approach to problem-solving. It draws inspiration and knowledge from the book ‘Building State Capability: Evidence, Analysis, Action,’ available as a complimentary digital download. Further, it includes a series of insightful videos unraveling the complex concepts of PDIA in a digestible and engaging format.

Man and woman planning on a glass wall

The PDIAtoolkit: An In-depth Exploration

Unlike other problem-solving approaches, the PDIA process does not follow a linear trajectory. It emphasizes a multi-dimensional and adaptive process. For first-time users, it’s recommended to traverse the toolkit sequentially for a comprehensive understanding of the steps.

The toolkit is compartmentalized into eight distinct sections, each introducing a novel concept accompanied by one or more practice worksheets. These worksheets serve as functional tools for you to experiment with the PDIA approach in a realistic scenario. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. An Introduction to PDIA: A complete overview of the problem-solving approach and its significance;
  2. Finding and Framing Your Problem: Techniques to identify and define your problem accurately;
  3. The Art of Deconstructing Your Problem: Break down your problem into manageable parts;
  4. Identifying Change Space: Figure out where changes are possible and how to leverage them;
  5. Building and Maintaining Your Team: Tips and methods for creating a successful team and keeping them motivated;
  6. Taking Action and Learning from It: Learn how to act, assess the outcome, and adapt your approach accordingly;
  7. Sequencing and Scaffolding Your Way to Success: Understand the importance of strategic sequencing and scaffolding in achieving your goal;
  8. Reflecting, Learning, and Adapting: Strategies for learning from past experiences and adapting to new challenges.

The innate dynamism of these tools demands regular review and modification, ensuring that they remain relevant and effective in your problem-solving journey. Armed with the right resources and a well-planned approach, the PDIAtoolkit can be a powerful ally in addressing and overcoming complex problems.


In conclusion, the PDIA Toolkit emerges as a groundbreaking methodology in the realms of development and policy-making, offering a robust framework for addressing complex challenges through iterative learning and adaptive strategies. Its emphasis on problem-driven approaches and dynamic adaptation has the potential to revolutionize how organizations and governments approach problem-solving, leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes. As individuals and institutions continue to explore and implement the PDIA Toolkit, we can anticipate a wave of innovation and positive change that will shape the landscape of development efforts for years to come.