Peter Harrington, a Harvard Kennedy School alumni and former fellow with the Building State Capability program (BSC), played a crucial role in assisting Liberia’s government during the Ebola epidemic in 2014. His focus was on “Social Mobilization,” a critical component of the crisis response aimed at engaging citizens and instigating behavioral change through effective communication.

During a podcast interview, Harrington shared insights from his experience, emphasizing several key points:

  1. Organizational Structure in Liberia: Harrington highlighted the significance of Liberia’s Incident Management System (IMS), established to coordinate the crisis response. The IMS featured a hierarchical yet flat structure, reminiscent of a snowflake mechanism discussed previously. Teams within the IMS were tasked with various aspects of the response, ensuring clear roles and minimizing interference between different functions.
  2. Leadership Delegation: Harrington noted that the President of Liberia delegated the crisis coordination role to Tolbert Nyenswah, allowing him to oversee the day-to-day operations. This delegation of responsibilities is crucial for heads of state, who cannot delegate accountability but must delegate work to preserve their decision-making capacities.
  3. Avoiding Analysis Paralysis: Harrington stressed the importance of taking action promptly, learning from experiences, and iterating responses. He emphasized the value of data in informing decisions, acknowledging the inevitability of imperfect information during crises.
  4. Clear Communication: Effective communication emerged as a critical aspect of crisis management. Harrington emphasized the need for clear and frequent communication, ensuring that messages are accessible and easily understood by the public. He advocated for the development of concise message maps, containing key messages supported by factual information, communicated through various mediums including local volunteers to foster trust and engagement.

In summary, Harrington’s insights underscored the importance of organizational structure, leadership delegation, decisive action, and clear communication in navigating crises effectively. These lessons gleaned from Liberia’s Ebola response offer valuable guidance for managing crises and fostering public leadership in challenging circumstances.