Authored by Marla Spivack, this analysis foregrounds the vital link between enhancing girls’ education and the broader goal of improving women’s lives worldwide. Ensuring inclusive, effective instruction within well-structured educational systems is pivotal to achieving universal literacy, numeracy, and lifelong learning, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4’s vision.

The Challenges Posed by COVID-19 on Girls’ Education

International Women’s Day brings into focus the multitude of challenges heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic, especially its impact on girls’ education. UNESCO reports the pandemic led to school closures affecting nearly 1.5 billion children globally. The transition to online learning presents uncertainties in educational progress for internet-enabled learners and starkly halts education for girls in technologically underserved regions.

Strategies for Recovering Lost Educational Ground

Post-pandemic, educational systems face the urgent task of bridging the learning gap incurred during closures. Emphasizing foundational learning upon schools’ reopening, tailoring instruction to meet students’ actual learning levels, and streamlining curricula are immediate steps to mitigate further educational setbacks for girls.

The Significance of Systemic Educational Reforms

Even before the pandemic, the inadequacy of educational systems significantly hindered girls’ potential. Addressing this requires more than incremental adjustments; systemic reform aimed at improving educational outcomes for girls is imperative. This involves ensuring timely school enrollment, mastery of foundational skills, and the adoption of effective, inclusive curricula and teaching practices.

A Comparative Analysis: Before and After Systemic Educational Reforms

AspectPrior ConditionsAfter Systemic Reforms
School EnrollmentGirls disproportionately out of schoolUniversal, timely enrollment achieved
Mastery of Foundational SkillsWidespread learning povertyUniversal literacy and numeracy attained
Educational OutcomesPoor quality education limiting potentialEnhanced learning outcomes unlocking potential
Inclusivity of EducationSystems failing to meet diverse needsCurricula and teaching aligned with all learners’ needs

This table illustrates the transformative potential of systemic educational reforms, transitioning from conditions that broadly limit girls’ educational achievements to an environment where their learning and potential are fully realized.

Key Strategies for Enhancing Girls’ Educational Outcomes

  • Tailored Learning Approaches: Implement learning strategies that align with the actual, post-lockdown levels of students to ensure effective catch-up and progress;
  • Focus on Foundational Skills: Prioritize the mastery of basic literacy and numeracy as essential skills for further learning and lifelong success;
  • Inclusive Education Systems: Design educational systems that cater to all students, particularly addressing the barriers faced by girls in marginalized communities;
  • Leverage Technology Wisely: Use technology to bridge learning gaps while being mindful of its accessibility to ensure no girl is left behind;
  • Community and Stakeholder Engagement: Involve communities and stakeholders in supporting girls’ education, recognizing it as a foundational element for societal advancement;
  • Policy and Curriculum Reform: Advocate for and implement reforms that address the needs of all learners, ensuring curricula are relevant, engaging, and inclusive;
  • Teacher Training and Support: Equip teachers with the skills and resources needed to address diverse learning needs, fostering an environment where every girl can thrive.

These strategies underscore the multifaceted approach required to address the educational disparities faced by girls, highlighting the importance of targeted interventions, systemic reforms, and the collective effort of communities and policymakers.


Focusing on today’s girls by ensuring they receive the education they deserve is foundational to the well-being of tomorrow’s women. Incremental improvements will not suffice; comprehensive reform to education systems, prioritizing foundational skills and inclusive, aligned instructional practices, is crucial. Such transformations will ensure every girl receives the education she merits, laying the groundwork for healthier, more productive, and fulfilling lives for future generations.